The dynamic has been seen for many months, as volume drifts down to a trickle, the capacity for manipulation (flipping MMs shorting and covering) increases.
Todays action saw greater than 50% short sale volume versus total volume. Massive shorting in RFMK and yet the stock closes higher. That suggests that shorts are having a difficult time keeping a lid on the stock and there are very few sellers at or under this level, which suggests the stock can go higher IMO. What's next for those riding the short bus? 75% daily shorts? 90% daily short sales? I mean, where do we go from here?
I imagine once massive volume finally moves into RFMK, we could see much greater moves to the upside but for now in such low volume the moves will in no way be close to what we see happening in the other MJ stocks. It seems the short bus could get knocked off the road by the sector momo storm at any time now. Shorty, beware.
Do or do not, there is no try.