California is over $600 billion in debt including $20-$30 billion in annual deficits! Anyone stating that California is subsidizing another State, clearly has his head in the same place that most liberals have it with that argument! And although the sun always shines in Ca, it doesn't shine where many of the leftists have their head, LMAO! It's no wonder reid, pelosi and the rest of the socialist can't balance a thing. The last projected balance budget this country saw was when clinton decided to work with Gingrich to almost balance one.
States with the highest deficits , with cities declaring bankruptcy, are subsidizing the red States! Now I've heard it all! Ha-ha-ha-ha! It's no wonder we are in such a terrible financial condition with ridiculous statements like that! Can you imagine a real businessman running his own company the way the liberals run the government?! OMG!
Tune in to the debate tonight. I'm sure oblahblah will continue his deceit and his sheeple will claim he's the second coming!
You all have a wonderful evening....... lolololol!!!!