But, Bloomberg says that CLWR will run out of cash by mid 2013. So, this one might be a short! I hate shorting stocks. Keep up with the news guys, it will be very volatile. Probably will go back and fourth for the next few months. Remember, another wifey quote:
If you're not part of the solution, there is good money to be made in prolonging the problem!
And believe me, several people that work for or with Sprint, Softbank, and CLWR are prolonging this problem. We are getting conflicting info from all sides right now. Im Gonna have to play this one close to the chest! Whoever trades it, some advice if you want it. Make small trades, a little everyday. I cannot stress enough to people, do not put all your money in at once thinkin it will go up and u can get out quick. This one is gonna be tricky. I am going to play both sides of the fence. Some days I will short it, some days I wont. But it will be very tricky! Good Luck!