Posted On: 05/07/2014 8:55:27 AM
Post# of 98252
Here Some TRTC Derek LIAR Facts !!
1. By TRTC Derek LIAR only as promised „High-Tech State of The Art“
as Prove of Cheating see below Link which demonstrates Today‘s
State of The Art which at TRTC could have been the same just
smaller, but what we got is just a Modern Gardeners Version,
because Derek is not really interested into the Company
by instead even more for His personally Pocket only :
2. TRTC Derek LIAR Scam- Scheme Court Document :
3. TRTC Derek LIAR is not really Peterson but Oppedisano !
Changed His Name, Why ? ?
4. TRTC Derek LIAR first by many 2012 PRs told everybody to Buy Two
Companies, NB Plants & Gro-Rite in NJ and after by PRs told to Buy
only one the NB Plants and finally did Buy Nothing, all Rented or
Leased and just Scam Faked made Merger Fraud by fabricating the
Trademark Unregistered Private Label „Edible Garden“ to become
a Registered „Edible Garden Corp.“ by Fee $ 125 about Two Weeks
before the Faked Merger Contract Signing of April 24, 2013 and this
at drastically overpaid as „Super Invoiced“ by over 41 Mn Common
TRTC Shares ; See the below Links as Full Prove to Verify :
Too Later „Edible Garden“ Trademark Registration as Brand, because
before it was not even that. At below Link, click on „TESS“ and then click
on „Basic Word Mark Search“ and then at „Search Term“ just input „Edible
Garden“, then you can click on the top Active Marks and you will see
everything for yourself :
TRTC - Edible Garden Trademark Reg. - Filing Date October 11, 2013
of a Word & Picture Trademark, by the official publication for any
may possible protests not yet made, but as seen Someone before
did already made „Edible Garden“ as Trademark, means also them
could issue a protest to eliminate TRTC‘s „Edible Garden“ Thing !
5. TRTC Derek LIAR Scam Behavior !
According Proof of SEC Filings as by below Link of latest 10-K :
As Following :
- Record Revenue of only $ 2,1 Mn by NB Plants $ 2,6 Mn as unaccounted !
- Record Net Losses of $ 6,15 Mn from before 2012 $ 5,8 Mn !
- Since 2012, Monthly Cash- Burning of about $ 0,5 Mn as Derek‘s Piggy-Bank !
- Operation Losses of $ 3,48 Mn from Record 2012 $ 5,8 Mn !
- Record Accumulated Dept or Deficit of $ 14,8 Mn by 2012 $ 8,7 Mn !
- Record Stock Count of 233,8 Mn from January 2013 86,2 Mn !
- Record Company‘s Properties & Equipments of $ 21 K only, No Assets !!
- Record Executives Owned Stocks Count 136 Mn ( 2012 of about 50 Mn ! )
- Vande Vrede‘s Stocks 39,34 Mn + 41,2 Mn for Faked Edible Garden Corp. !
- Annual Revenue Guidance for 2014 $ 7 Mn only by Earning max. 15 %
- and this by Claiming Huge 58- Growing Acres by its fictive Contracts
- and Revenues of $ 2 Mn per Growing Acre to Attract Investors !
6. TRTC Derek LIAR Further Mentioning !
- „Can grow Cannabis within 48 hours Prior Notice“, but has not even
one little single Greenhouse according of any States MJ Criteria‘s where
none of any Greenhouses by Open- Glass constructions as by TRTC only
or its Contracts Parties exist permitted and additionally has not even any
Licenses, ( Possibly Will Never Get Any By Criminal Records, as the BJ‘s
Contract also Failed By. ) therefore as not even to think about.
- Derek LIAR by PRs declaring his „Inergetics, Inc. - NRTI“ as Leader in
the Nutrition Supplement Field and by this again Fake- Fooling ignoring
The Worlds Real Leader as „Nestle“, „Unilever“ and „Novartis“ beside for
Drinks „Red-Bull“, which all according reliable Infos will soon also have
CBDs in various US Products and here we talk about Companies which
in the US alone provides about 30,000 good paid Jobs, Social Security
and Taxes to be aware of. Additionally GW Pharma also mentioned
with its Near Future Products Pipeline.
- The cheap CO2 - Extraction Equipment of 20 lbs to get max. 3 lbs
of CBD is just a Laboratory Toy, Derek as Pro-Forma did Leasing only
and its not the Real Industrial Equipment of up-to 2200 lbs one Ton
as used for the Commercial Products as by Bayer, Merck or BASF in
Europe to supply as worldwide Leaders also in this Field !
7. Etc, by many more Derek PRs LIAR Things if necessary to mention,
as for example the Virtual Head Office for Monthly $ 99 everybody can
easy check by internet, or the Overvalued Pump Conditions as without
any Standard Valuation based on Earning divided by Shares and applied
usual PE-Ratios 20 - 60x, etc !
End of Report - For The Happy Reality Investing Only
The TRTC Contracts Conditions !!
Real Agreement Contracts or Fictive Contracts ?!
Lease Agreement for the Land for New 5 Acres Greenhouse
Anything related the Greenhouse is also Leased or Rented only, as
Derek applies the “No Assets” principle for any TRTC Companies !!
Palm Creek Produce Inc. - Florida - 1,25 Acres
5. Exclusivity. This contract is for a one year term. With 3 year renew
options. In the occurrence of a void in contract PCP cannot sell any
of the Edible Garden products and or related products for a period
of 5 years. ( These conditions normally nobody will sign. )
NB Plants LLC - NJ - 8 Acres
This is a Agreement as Contracts just as one-sided between Son
and Daddy, where None of Any Obligations can be taken from.
For Profit it only mentions up-to 10 % Commission of Selling
Price ( can be much less ) of Products supplied IF Any !
The Agreement has also No Exclusivity paragraph.
At TRTC Derek Blah-Blah PR only, it was informed to have The
First Priority on 100% of all NB Plants Productions, means also
at 100% of Revenue, where in Reality there is nothing like that !!
The Investors Cheated.
Gro-Rite Inc. - NJ - 4 acres
This is a Agreement as Contracts just as one-sided between Son
and Daddy, where None of Any Obligations can be taken from.
For Profit it only mentions up-to 10 % Commission of Selling
Price ( can be much less ) of Products supplied IF Any !
The Agreement has also No Exclusivity paragraph.
At TRTC Derek Blah-Blah PR only, it was informed to have The
First Priority on 100% of all Gro-Rite Inc. Productions, means also
at 100% of Revenue, where in Reality there is nothing like that !!
The Investors Cheated.
Heartland Growers Inc. - Indiana - 30 Acres
11. Term and Termination. This Agreement is for a one-year term from
the date of last signature below. If the Agreement is terminated and
not renewed, Grower is prohibited from producing and selling Products
under the Edible Garden brand to any and all retailers in perpetuity.
In addition Grower is prohibited from selling similar products to
relationships originating from EG for a period of one (1) year from the
effective date of termination.
( As Heartland has in the region so many Opportunities & Relations
since many years not of any EG origin, they have no Obligations or
Problems with EG if they produce Sell the same by its own Label ! )
Sunshine Growers Inc. - Florida - 10 Acres
According TRTC PR informed Signed a Deal with them, but there
is no Deal signed until today and maybe never will be, because
at SEC is Not Any Agreement Deposited as obliged if any !
Totally 58,25 Growing Acres according Derek by $ 2 Mn
per Acre for by Fake- Fooling to attract All Investors !!
Special Attention :
Any TRTC PRs not at SEC Deposited have No Legal Value,
to keep well in mind !
( Not SEC Deposited are the many just Blah-Blah TRTC PRs. )
PS : It explains well, why 2014 Annual Revenue is $ 7 Mn only,
where principally the Annual Revenue of NB Plants is the same
$ 7 Mn and The Investors get Cheated by unfulfilled Promises !
According the Contract Conditions at NB Plants & Gro-Rite of
Vande Vrede’s they have total liberty, none of any obligations to
Edible Garden Corp. or TRTC, except up-to 10% Commissions
of Sales Price for Products supplied Through or To or declared
as to EG & TRTC IF any !
Means at any moment or now, NB Plants or Gro-Rite can partially
or fully supply same “Edible Garden” branded products directly to
any Customers and TRTC could do nothing about it and even the
just late 2013 as Trademark registered “Edible Garden” they could
use as Brand and if some problems occur could always prove that
they used the same as Vande Vrede’s Label for 40 Years already
and the Trademark as Protested and Prior Public Demand would
get erased !!
This also explains why already in 2013 $ 2,6 Mn of Revenues by
NB Plants have been unaccounted by ZERO Commission for TRTC.
At any Quarter or Annual TRTC Guidance, Derek first has to ask
NB Plants or Gro-Rite for how much $ they kindly would like to
have declared as for TRTC, for TRTC to get from the up-to 10%
Generally, such Conditions as here applied do not exist at any
successful Business or Company !
PS :
For Any SEC Inquiries Use Only The Below Original Complete
Link With All Filings Attachments and Notices of Effectiveness :
Ken Vande Vrede is the Representative of Vande Vrede Family and
by Paying them 546x more than ever received, they have about
49 % of the Company Shares and over 51 % of Voting Rights,
means Ken is the Boss of Derek and not CEO Derek himself !
1. By TRTC Derek LIAR only as promised „High-Tech State of The Art“
as Prove of Cheating see below Link which demonstrates Today‘s
State of The Art which at TRTC could have been the same just
smaller, but what we got is just a Modern Gardeners Version,
because Derek is not really interested into the Company
by instead even more for His personally Pocket only :
2. TRTC Derek LIAR Scam- Scheme Court Document :
3. TRTC Derek LIAR is not really Peterson but Oppedisano !
Changed His Name, Why ? ?
4. TRTC Derek LIAR first by many 2012 PRs told everybody to Buy Two
Companies, NB Plants & Gro-Rite in NJ and after by PRs told to Buy
only one the NB Plants and finally did Buy Nothing, all Rented or
Leased and just Scam Faked made Merger Fraud by fabricating the
Trademark Unregistered Private Label „Edible Garden“ to become
a Registered „Edible Garden Corp.“ by Fee $ 125 about Two Weeks
before the Faked Merger Contract Signing of April 24, 2013 and this
at drastically overpaid as „Super Invoiced“ by over 41 Mn Common
TRTC Shares ; See the below Links as Full Prove to Verify :
Too Later „Edible Garden“ Trademark Registration as Brand, because
before it was not even that. At below Link, click on „TESS“ and then click
on „Basic Word Mark Search“ and then at „Search Term“ just input „Edible
Garden“, then you can click on the top Active Marks and you will see
everything for yourself :
TRTC - Edible Garden Trademark Reg. - Filing Date October 11, 2013
of a Word & Picture Trademark, by the official publication for any
may possible protests not yet made, but as seen Someone before
did already made „Edible Garden“ as Trademark, means also them
could issue a protest to eliminate TRTC‘s „Edible Garden“ Thing !
5. TRTC Derek LIAR Scam Behavior !
According Proof of SEC Filings as by below Link of latest 10-K :
As Following :
- Record Revenue of only $ 2,1 Mn by NB Plants $ 2,6 Mn as unaccounted !
- Record Net Losses of $ 6,15 Mn from before 2012 $ 5,8 Mn !
- Since 2012, Monthly Cash- Burning of about $ 0,5 Mn as Derek‘s Piggy-Bank !
- Operation Losses of $ 3,48 Mn from Record 2012 $ 5,8 Mn !
- Record Accumulated Dept or Deficit of $ 14,8 Mn by 2012 $ 8,7 Mn !
- Record Stock Count of 233,8 Mn from January 2013 86,2 Mn !
- Record Company‘s Properties & Equipments of $ 21 K only, No Assets !!
- Record Executives Owned Stocks Count 136 Mn ( 2012 of about 50 Mn ! )
- Vande Vrede‘s Stocks 39,34 Mn + 41,2 Mn for Faked Edible Garden Corp. !
- Annual Revenue Guidance for 2014 $ 7 Mn only by Earning max. 15 %
- and this by Claiming Huge 58- Growing Acres by its fictive Contracts
- and Revenues of $ 2 Mn per Growing Acre to Attract Investors !
6. TRTC Derek LIAR Further Mentioning !
- „Can grow Cannabis within 48 hours Prior Notice“, but has not even
one little single Greenhouse according of any States MJ Criteria‘s where
none of any Greenhouses by Open- Glass constructions as by TRTC only
or its Contracts Parties exist permitted and additionally has not even any
Licenses, ( Possibly Will Never Get Any By Criminal Records, as the BJ‘s
Contract also Failed By. ) therefore as not even to think about.
- Derek LIAR by PRs declaring his „Inergetics, Inc. - NRTI“ as Leader in
the Nutrition Supplement Field and by this again Fake- Fooling ignoring
The Worlds Real Leader as „Nestle“, „Unilever“ and „Novartis“ beside for
Drinks „Red-Bull“, which all according reliable Infos will soon also have
CBDs in various US Products and here we talk about Companies which
in the US alone provides about 30,000 good paid Jobs, Social Security
and Taxes to be aware of. Additionally GW Pharma also mentioned
with its Near Future Products Pipeline.
- The cheap CO2 - Extraction Equipment of 20 lbs to get max. 3 lbs
of CBD is just a Laboratory Toy, Derek as Pro-Forma did Leasing only
and its not the Real Industrial Equipment of up-to 2200 lbs one Ton
as used for the Commercial Products as by Bayer, Merck or BASF in
Europe to supply as worldwide Leaders also in this Field !
7. Etc, by many more Derek PRs LIAR Things if necessary to mention,
as for example the Virtual Head Office for Monthly $ 99 everybody can
easy check by internet, or the Overvalued Pump Conditions as without
any Standard Valuation based on Earning divided by Shares and applied
usual PE-Ratios 20 - 60x, etc !
End of Report - For The Happy Reality Investing Only
The TRTC Contracts Conditions !!
Real Agreement Contracts or Fictive Contracts ?!
Lease Agreement for the Land for New 5 Acres Greenhouse
Anything related the Greenhouse is also Leased or Rented only, as
Derek applies the “No Assets” principle for any TRTC Companies !!
Palm Creek Produce Inc. - Florida - 1,25 Acres
5. Exclusivity. This contract is for a one year term. With 3 year renew
options. In the occurrence of a void in contract PCP cannot sell any
of the Edible Garden products and or related products for a period
of 5 years. ( These conditions normally nobody will sign. )
NB Plants LLC - NJ - 8 Acres
This is a Agreement as Contracts just as one-sided between Son
and Daddy, where None of Any Obligations can be taken from.
For Profit it only mentions up-to 10 % Commission of Selling
Price ( can be much less ) of Products supplied IF Any !
The Agreement has also No Exclusivity paragraph.
At TRTC Derek Blah-Blah PR only, it was informed to have The
First Priority on 100% of all NB Plants Productions, means also
at 100% of Revenue, where in Reality there is nothing like that !!
The Investors Cheated.
Gro-Rite Inc. - NJ - 4 acres
This is a Agreement as Contracts just as one-sided between Son
and Daddy, where None of Any Obligations can be taken from.
For Profit it only mentions up-to 10 % Commission of Selling
Price ( can be much less ) of Products supplied IF Any !
The Agreement has also No Exclusivity paragraph.
At TRTC Derek Blah-Blah PR only, it was informed to have The
First Priority on 100% of all Gro-Rite Inc. Productions, means also
at 100% of Revenue, where in Reality there is nothing like that !!
The Investors Cheated.
Heartland Growers Inc. - Indiana - 30 Acres
11. Term and Termination. This Agreement is for a one-year term from
the date of last signature below. If the Agreement is terminated and
not renewed, Grower is prohibited from producing and selling Products
under the Edible Garden brand to any and all retailers in perpetuity.
In addition Grower is prohibited from selling similar products to
relationships originating from EG for a period of one (1) year from the
effective date of termination.
( As Heartland has in the region so many Opportunities & Relations
since many years not of any EG origin, they have no Obligations or
Problems with EG if they produce Sell the same by its own Label ! )
Sunshine Growers Inc. - Florida - 10 Acres
According TRTC PR informed Signed a Deal with them, but there
is no Deal signed until today and maybe never will be, because
at SEC is Not Any Agreement Deposited as obliged if any !
Totally 58,25 Growing Acres according Derek by $ 2 Mn
per Acre for by Fake- Fooling to attract All Investors !!
Special Attention :
Any TRTC PRs not at SEC Deposited have No Legal Value,
to keep well in mind !
( Not SEC Deposited are the many just Blah-Blah TRTC PRs. )
PS : It explains well, why 2014 Annual Revenue is $ 7 Mn only,
where principally the Annual Revenue of NB Plants is the same
$ 7 Mn and The Investors get Cheated by unfulfilled Promises !
According the Contract Conditions at NB Plants & Gro-Rite of
Vande Vrede’s they have total liberty, none of any obligations to
Edible Garden Corp. or TRTC, except up-to 10% Commissions
of Sales Price for Products supplied Through or To or declared
as to EG & TRTC IF any !
Means at any moment or now, NB Plants or Gro-Rite can partially
or fully supply same “Edible Garden” branded products directly to
any Customers and TRTC could do nothing about it and even the
just late 2013 as Trademark registered “Edible Garden” they could
use as Brand and if some problems occur could always prove that
they used the same as Vande Vrede’s Label for 40 Years already
and the Trademark as Protested and Prior Public Demand would
get erased !!
This also explains why already in 2013 $ 2,6 Mn of Revenues by
NB Plants have been unaccounted by ZERO Commission for TRTC.
At any Quarter or Annual TRTC Guidance, Derek first has to ask
NB Plants or Gro-Rite for how much $ they kindly would like to
have declared as for TRTC, for TRTC to get from the up-to 10%
Generally, such Conditions as here applied do not exist at any
successful Business or Company !
PS :
For Any SEC Inquiries Use Only The Below Original Complete
Link With All Filings Attachments and Notices of Effectiveness :
Ken Vande Vrede is the Representative of Vande Vrede Family and
by Paying them 546x more than ever received, they have about
49 % of the Company Shares and over 51 % of Voting Rights,
means Ken is the Boss of Derek and not CEO Derek himself !
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