Laughing at the fake sell volume
Normally when 500,000 is sold into bid, let alone over a million in 10 minutes, the price goes down substantially. However, yesterday's closing print was 3.2 cents and the most they could get this "assault" has barely made a scratch in the pps with .0316 holding nicely.
Do yourself a favor and place a bid out at .0316 and see if it gets filled. Heck, put a bid at .032. Chances are you will see a fill below you before anything happens to your order.
The big boys are playing hot potato/keep away to show an illusion of "selling volume." What happens is that market maker A swaps his shares down to market maker B, who tosses it back over to market maker C, and low and nobody else's order gets filled. It's good to be on the inside.
Later today we are going to see lots of 1,000-10,000 share bid whacks to cause lower prints, and the real fun will be the last 2 minutes of trading where we play they play the game of paint the closing tape.
I also foresee more old news resurfacing or getting rehashed today. Yawn. Looking forward to daytrading the big boards and catching an early lunch.