CarlGS68, I think you are right on the money, that's exactly right. Over the past few years I have built up a rather substantial speculation portfolio consisting of most of the MJ stocks. A few have turned into liquidity traps and lost value but others have performed well. However I primarily built up such a portfolio of PKs and OTCs in order to play the potential for MJ legalization in the future and it looks like the future is now!! In just a few weeks we could see a major shift in policy depending on what happens and the MJ stocks could surge. Some stay clear of the plays until they think momentum comes back while others remain on the sideline and a few of us buy and hold for the long term. Whatever is your strategy though, I think these MJ stocks could really perform well going into Nov elections.
Huge gains in HEMP today!! The portfolio looking very green these days!!!
$$$$ $RFMK! $$$$