Hi Sunnybank. Thank you ~ I was generalizing & only thinking about the sale of my EEDG stock in the future w/$$$ signs in my eyes
Yes, you may withdraw your contributions to a Roth @ any time for any reason tax free. However, it is still my understanding that to make tax-free "qualified distributions" of investment earnings & distributions are only considered "qualified" if: @ least 5 yrs. must have passed since your 1st contribution and that you must be @ least 59-1/2 yrs. old. There are other criteria other than age that can also affect withdrawals. These are, I believe: disability, purchase or rebuilding of a 1st home & the big one ~ death. Maybe there are more?
For myself, I was advised by the retirement dept. @ TDA where I have my Roth & from a good friend who is also my tax accountant. Anyway, just some (general) info if anyone is considering a Roth.