While I still buy an occasional lotto ticket now and then, I largely gave up on it 'cause the odds were/are just too stacked.
These days, I play odds where my own assessment determines the risks.
Having said that, if I were an outsider looking in, and knowing what is factual about KMAG, I would see the payoff extremely in favor of a .004-.0045 buy. Extremely in favor!
Now, knowing what I do, and including RegSho and all, I would see even .006 an extremely handsome opportunity.
Lottos come and go daily, but near (95%+) sure fire gambles don't!
There WILL come a day when KMAG rises from the greysheet grave, and their RFID technologies will become a darling to investors again. I plan to be here for that day!
I can easily envision the day not too far from now where KMAG opens one fine sunny day to have MMs on bid and ask again. Combine that with a timely full update of previously unannounced revenues and other developments, and I see a scurry for all shares available under .03.
Yeah. I see a day not too far off where the patient will be vindicated by the (basher) shorts begging (bashing) for our shares, and those sadistic enough, not giving them any relief below .03.
Yeah. I see a day not too far off where Longs will be vindicated with sweet justice, and all others will either suffer painfully, or simply pay a much higher premium for their indecisiveness.
(someone please, post this 'over there', highlights and all.)