Normally, in our 'free' country, opposing points of view are great and welcome. We have a wonderful system, at the core and base of it. Unfortunately, some people take extreme advantage of these 'freedoms', so much so, that they use them against the good that they were created/intended for.
America was created primarily by Christians willing to give all people the right to practice their religions unabridged. Sadly, this Christian principle has been molested and manipulated (by lawyers) to even include people dead-set against KILLING those very same Christians.
When a country allows such founding principles to be desecrated as they've been, it's easy to understand how greed in the financial markets are just another day in the life of selfish and thoughtless minds.
If America's founding Fathers were to rise up from their graves today, they would see every reason for another bloody revolution, right here on our own soil. Their very first goal would be to extricate the vermin in their once sacred D.C.
George Washington would sooner give his wooden teeth than to apologize for America's belief in 'All Men are Created Equal'.
The scoundrels in D.C who are better than the SSI they impose on others, would be the first in his gunsights.