The people are already 'out there'.
You have unprecedented uprisings never seen before in the history of the U.S.
Occupy Wall Street was NOT happy about how Obama let the fat cats skate.
The Tea Party has been no less unhappy about our Constituton being trampled on.
4 years ago, many people came out for the chance to make history. History was made.
MANY of those who came out to make history have now lost their zeal. They still sit in poverty. They still see no clear new future.
Ignore what the Liberal OBama Media will have you think. Obama is behind, and falling faster.
The MORAL majority will rise up and be heard, this Nov.
We 'shellacked' Obama's people in 2010 because that was the first chance we had.
As long as the sentiment continues, he's in for one more, even bigger, 'shellacking'!
People LOVE this country. It's the government they hate! And Obama's Hope and Change proved to be just more of the same rhetoric we get from the usual career politician.
Romney is the new Hope and Change, in it's most subliminal form.
America has not had a better choice, Republican or Democrat, than Romney in many, many decades.
Plain....and simple.
(Ex. Name one politician who passed the Bar and yet never stooped so low as to make it their living?)