I hate to throw a wet blanket on all the enthusiasm for the 10K, it is indeed going to be a great catalyst for the company and shareholders, but I must say that I think we must be realistic and realize that the CEO stated that they were not even done with the 10K and they were putting the finishing touches on it and that hopefully they would have it finished by this week. Once they are done with it, they will hand it over to the auditors who will have to do weeks of work to audit the company and sign off on the filing; this could take several weeks, maybe one week at the earliest. Then once the 10K is audited and signed off on, the company will submit it to the SEC. The SEC has a process (read about it on the SEC.gov site) and for a company's first 10K, the SEC goes over it with a fine tooth comb and there is a minimum of 20 days before it is approved to be filed and be available to the public, however during this period, individual investors can contact the company and request a copy of the 10K filing (I think, not sure). Therefore, I think if the 10K is in the hands of the auditors by mid next week say, then perhaps it takes them until the end of the month to complete the audit, it would be in the hands of the SEC by end of this month. Then it could really only be filed publicly by mid November, which is already a week after the election cycle happens. This is why I was rather dissapointed with the shareholder update recently which stated the delay of the completion of the 10K because it meant necessarily that the 10K filing probably would then not be filed publicly before the election cycle which is the major catalyst this year for the stock. I would not be holding my breath for the 10K to come out any day now, IMO, it will take at least another few weeks. They key for shareholders is not so much the timing but that it does in fact happen. Shareholders need that level of transparency, despite what it gives to the stock momo in the short term. Remember, even though I stated I was dissapointed with the delay, I still also said that I was impressed with the executives focus on making more certain that the auditors will have all questions answered than only caring just to rush and push it through because of the timing.
C'mon Mr Allinder, we are counting on you to give us shareholders true transparency, you have done amazing things for this company in turning it around and making it a real business, so now hit the grand slam home run with a successful filing of the 10K. Get 'r done.
Do or do not, there is no try.