Posted On: 04/24/2014 10:08:13 PM
Post# of 43065
here's a course in deflection ..
taking one piece of the FUD .. at a time ..
yeah >> to whit >> notice the following isn't about shares coming off
restriction this last month (which of course was what started it)
reminder of the original >> quote
and then there is the new talking point .. only problem is as i've already noted >> one can actually call the TA
and actually and factually ascertain when when *restricted* shares get unrestricted
see above ..
one of the reasons the CON side of the PROs don't want low to no volume on JBII
is because >> when time stamps are provided it reveals *FACTS*
today's tape (along with yesterday's) was a perfect example
of how they can't show *true* anything >> whether it's bypassing
legit bids (yeah selling below a legit bid re: a targeted trade to create
a LOD is really making a market in someone's upside down world)
to do targeted trades (or signals for the next round) but even more
revealing and why restalker started posting said info <daily reg sho %s> (which btw is
4 mos *polluted* based on *uncorrected versions* >> MMs' themselves
report to Finra) and would never be allowed in the real world >>
is what legit ask hits showed both yesterday and today on JBII
they were *duplicated* >> which is done to dilute reg sho %s
remember i'd noted for months on end that PROs prefer to show a sub 30% when possible
the illiterate idiot is correct in one regard re: ask hits eod .. the problem is most retail is exhausted and can't be bothered
knowing full well that odds are the first *trade* the next day will be a
*reset* of said ask hits >> to a colluding entity parked on bid
today it was CDEL who got that 5k .. completely bypassing a legit GTC
by a JBI investor
who is complaining >> MMs' *report* to FINRA >. enough said for those who understand
the *role* very specific MMs have when it comes to the OTC
it's all documented re: JBII >> from the spring of 2010
shocker >> when *addressed* >> resorting to a personal attack .. gee who'da thunk it mikey
just a reminder of the elephant always ignored by the CON side of the PROs
to orchestrate the cycle of money successfully >> both sides need to be represented
would you like me to tell you when admittance occurred specific to your efforts ..
how many times would you like this info .. it doesn't change with the telling
back in early 2007 when I actually believed in entities like the SEC and was *less* aware .. I will be the first to admit that I would hit the ask eod
re: the locusts >> here's a clue >> the no. 1 person marked *alias*
set up the locusts >> it lasted less than a nano second because a few
things happened >> one of which required ihub's admin to remove
said *alias* off of my ignore list (about 1000 so they really do have to work to reach me)
so said *alias* could offer me a job >> this was a *set up* that I never bothered to reply to >> but it was documented in RT (real time)
i find it beyond telling how the CON side of the IHUB well PROtected/well CONnected crew never goes after this *alias*
gee >> not really
uh huh .. highly doubtful >> yahoo (which my alias has been hijacked a few x over and isn't worth the time to read let alone post on) never allowed OTC stox to have msg boards until Jan 2007
i started posting on IHUB in Jan 2007 and after yahoo's SMB took some getting used to ..
apparently my naivete was in thinking that those who have a financial interest in X stock
would want to interact with others who had a financial interest in X stock
i'm funny that way >> i have never seen the value of posting on any co. I don't have a vested financial interest in
IV (investors village) had the FRPT board >> one of my first OTC investments that successfully transitioned to the Naz
where what is memorable is the input from those *locals* who weren't
shaken out of their shares after the usual *agenda* was undertaken
of course I know this with hindsight .. the irony is because I actually
do have the kids and pets >> time was at a premium back in 2003
i now can recognize the *orchestration* of the PPS for what it really was
that was a telling *cover* upon uplist re: FPRT >> i expect most JBI investors would appreciate the same *semi* cover .. (mid $20s)
here's the thing .. i've never proclaimed to be an expert .. but i do make a lot of calls
including FINRA (for most of the month of FEB 2010) which is why certain
er >> new aliases with CONtracts get little *recognition*
here's another clue >> patterns are very real when it comes to *trading*
the fact is *documentation* over 4 years on JBII can't be pushed aside
no matter how many times it's belittled or mocked ..
PRIMARY MM in JBII since 2010 has major problems but so does the 2nd MM ..
they are just another spoke in this entity's *wheel* that will have to show *accountability* with mgmt's ability to uplist out of the OTC
even if it's just a partial >> b4 being reset
aw .. my feelings are hurt that an *alias* who has stalked me from 2007
thinks I'm a hypocrite ..
btw >.at least I'm actually a female >> unlike *renaldo* who is rehabbing
that North of the border image >> and i expect looking over his shoulder
after *working* >> that legit NC co. and countless other co.s on the OTC
the FBI was in that ceo's office for a reason >> and it all pertained to *crews* working the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation
sort of like that SEC atty (same NC co.) whose name was utilized by the crew who turned over info to enforcement also in 2010
funny how those little *events* get a pass by so many working the cycle of $ on the OTC
hmmmm .. nah not really
hypocrisy at its finest ..
taking one piece of the FUD .. at a time ..
Stupidity apparently has no bounds when it comes to a DD *"phenom"*... to whit:
yeah >> to whit >> notice the following isn't about shares coming off
restriction this last month (which of course was what started it)
reminder of the original >> quote
*Some* might consider it a coincidence, but isn't it funny how the volume kind of fell off a cliff once the 10-k was missed and restricted shares couldn't legally be cleared and sold anymore?
and then there is the new talking point .. only problem is as i've already noted >> one can actually call the TA
and actually and factually ascertain when when *restricted* shares get unrestricted
- Restriction removal was legally halted when the event triggered on 4/15 - NOT - since last month
see above ..
- Continuing to report mismatched volumes with such a great L2 service that can't seem to report trades properly (hint: sizes under a block size trade do show on daily volume reports from other L2 sources)
one of the reasons the CON side of the PROs don't want low to no volume on JBII
is because >> when time stamps are provided it reveals *FACTS*
today's tape (along with yesterday's) was a perfect example
of how they can't show *true* anything >> whether it's bypassing
legit bids (yeah selling below a legit bid re: a targeted trade to create
a LOD is really making a market in someone's upside down world)
to do targeted trades (or signals for the next round) but even more
revealing and why restalker started posting said info <daily reg sho %s> (which btw is
4 mos *polluted* based on *uncorrected versions* >> MMs' themselves
report to Finra) and would never be allowed in the real world >>
is what legit ask hits showed both yesterday and today on JBII
they were *duplicated* >> which is done to dilute reg sho %s
remember i'd noted for months on end that PROs prefer to show a sub 30% when possible
the illiterate idiot is correct in one regard re: ask hits eod .. the problem is most retail is exhausted and can't be bothered
knowing full well that odds are the first *trade* the next day will be a
*reset* of said ask hits >> to a colluding entity parked on bid
today it was CDEL who got that 5k .. completely bypassing a legit GTC
by a JBI investor
- Complaining when Reg SHO indicates 'corrected' because it has to report the under block size trades a different way after the automatic submissions each day and falsely implying that T trades and anything 'missed' must therefore be a short, even though later correction prove wrong
who is complaining >> MMs' *report* to FINRA >. enough said for those who understand
the *role* very specific MMs have when it comes to the OTC
it's all documented re: JBII >> from the spring of 2010
- Failure to understand when/how a trade order is publicized to the bid/ask and complaining about 'bypassed' bids that aren't even being shown due to a client mental issue
shocker >> when *addressed* >> resorting to a personal attack .. gee who'da thunk it mikey
CONs have problems...and as *some* like to say often - keep watching. More legal problems are sure to surface. The DD *queen* isn't the only person to periodically submit documentation to authorities.... but unlike *others*, *PROs* do see progress being made. Just keep reminding yourself that discovery is a two way street and I'm certain that quite a few CONs will do everything in their power to avoid being either a witness or a defendant.
just a reminder of the elephant always ignored by the CON side of the PROs
to orchestrate the cycle of money successfully >> both sides need to be represented
would you like me to tell you when admittance occurred specific to your efforts ..
All one has to do is look at the posting history to see who was involved with the *locust* organized trading group and even publicly admitted to helping to paint the tape on more than one occasion.
how many times would you like this info .. it doesn't change with the telling
back in early 2007 when I actually believed in entities like the SEC and was *less* aware .. I will be the first to admit that I would hit the ask eod
re: the locusts >> here's a clue >> the no. 1 person marked *alias*
set up the locusts >> it lasted less than a nano second because a few
things happened >> one of which required ihub's admin to remove
said *alias* off of my ignore list (about 1000 so they really do have to work to reach me)
so said *alias* could offer me a job >> this was a *set up* that I never bothered to reply to >> but it was documented in RT (real time)
i find it beyond telling how the CON side of the IHUB well PROtected/well CONnected crew never goes after this *alias*
gee >> not really
Of course, it's all denied and claimed to be during the young and innocent days (Lol, like that was ever true...) and there is a vast conspiracy to paint the CON in a bad light but I believe the posting history on more than one venue will prove otherwise.
uh huh .. highly doubtful >> yahoo (which my alias has been hijacked a few x over and isn't worth the time to read let alone post on) never allowed OTC stox to have msg boards until Jan 2007
i started posting on IHUB in Jan 2007 and after yahoo's SMB took some getting used to ..
apparently my naivete was in thinking that those who have a financial interest in X stock
would want to interact with others who had a financial interest in X stock
i'm funny that way >> i have never seen the value of posting on any co. I don't have a vested financial interest in
IV (investors village) had the FRPT board >> one of my first OTC investments that successfully transitioned to the Naz
where what is memorable is the input from those *locals* who weren't
shaken out of their shares after the usual *agenda* was undertaken
of course I know this with hindsight .. the irony is because I actually
do have the kids and pets >> time was at a premium back in 2003
i now can recognize the *orchestration* of the PPS for what it really was
that was a telling *cover* upon uplist re: FPRT >> i expect most JBI investors would appreciate the same *semi* cover .. (mid $20s)
It's a shame that more new investors don't look back on these supposed 'expert' L2 readers/code breakers and see the performance of their claims. The CON controls the topic on iHang (because it can't anywhere else except that personal fifedom full of crazy NSS conspiracy crap on ihub that she caused to become private due to attacking others), throws out attacks and then warns about others attacks.
here's the thing .. i've never proclaimed to be an expert .. but i do make a lot of calls
including FINRA (for most of the month of FEB 2010) which is why certain
er >> new aliases with CONtracts get little *recognition*
here's another clue >> patterns are very real when it comes to *trading*
the fact is *documentation* over 4 years on JBII can't be pushed aside
no matter how many times it's belittled or mocked ..
PRIMARY MM in JBII since 2010 has major problems but so does the 2nd MM ..
they are just another spoke in this entity's *wheel* that will have to show *accountability* with mgmt's ability to uplist out of the OTC
even if it's just a partial >> b4 being reset
Hypocrite is too shallow a word to describe her.
aw .. my feelings are hurt that an *alias* who has stalked me from 2007
thinks I'm a hypocrite ..
btw >.at least I'm actually a female >> unlike *renaldo* who is rehabbing
that North of the border image >> and i expect looking over his shoulder
after *working* >> that legit NC co. and countless other co.s on the OTC
the FBI was in that ceo's office for a reason >> and it all pertained to *crews* working the vehicle of choice for OTC stock manipulation
sort of like that SEC atty (same NC co.) whose name was utilized by the crew who turned over info to enforcement also in 2010
funny how those little *events* get a pass by so many working the cycle of $ on the OTC
hmmmm .. nah not really
hypocrisy at its finest ..
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