backbone, it appears that 1 in every four shares you buy, are short shares. Do you plan to sell them back to the Shorts for cheaper than you bought 'em?
If not, then it's likely they'll be buying 'em back off of you!
We all know that the majority of shares that have traded in the last 2 weeks were between .004 and .005. Those selling at .003-.004 are giving some of the Shorts a profit, but not much. And then there's the Shorts who might be hitting .003 in the effort to drive the pps even lower.
Clarly, with volume down to almost nil, you can see why Shorts would start PM'ing everyone they can, to shake 'em out. They're getting nervous. If KMAG opened one fine day to have MMs again, it's straight to .01's, and quite a loss for Shorts.