$SANP From their website!!!
Gold for the finding
In the Dominican Republic, opportunities can increase in proportion to their relative inaccessibility. The best gold claims are sometimes found off the beaten path, and prospecting them requires geologist to go deeper and deeper into in areas that are practically unreachable. If Santo were a typical exploration company, this might spell trouble. But we are not typical.
A typical company’s exploration campaign might require a semi-permanent base of operations, and then the hiring, training and equipping of local porters, as well as a good deal of logistical organization, all prior to going in to the field for a Phase 1 survey. Then survey sample must be sent to an overseas lab, which can take up to three weeks to return results. During that period, the camp is demobilized. This process can go through much iteration before dialing in to an economic deposit.
The Strike Team instead utilizes a mobile base camp in or near the claim area, using the most effective transportation for that area—be it pack animals, motocross bikes, ATVs, four wheelers or helicopters for moving equipment, including a mobile analytical lab. While these lab results are not certified, they can be employed as a tool to quickly detect gold and other metallic anomalies. However, when certification is mandated, the “split half” of the samples are dispatched for certified analysis.
The Strike Team technicians collect samples during the day, and they are processed overnight. We map these results and give the team actionable information the following morning, keeping the team on site and investigating until they are guided to the gold and other metallic anomalies, which are targeted for sub-surface exploration.