It gets complicated sometimes though, as it becomes difficult to realize massive gains when the very greedy out of control losers who short and dig themselves their own grave are protected by the powers that be. Let's just hope RFMK will continue to trade and not be arbitrarily slapped with a DTC global lock or some other crony trick shot by the Wall St cronies to effectively cheat at the game even though they lose time and again. RFMK already has a "chill" (T4T) on it which I imagine has no explanation or reasoning by the DTC. And guess at what time they placed the chill? Immediately after it became public that the company had started a side of the business servicing small cap company execs in assisting them with resolving DTC chills. LOL. Basically, it seems that the DTC defiantly did not like the idea that a business man had the audacity to think that he could turn a profit by helping small businesses with the crony devices of the powers that be for use in aiding their own participants. The fallout from the chill meant that bashers had one more point to press in the daily bashings; specifically concerning the alleged irony that the RFMK CEO starting a business to resolve other company's DTC chills, is himself chilled by the DTC. Ok, yea, whatever. Folks, these stories have many twists and turns and there is a whole back story to all that happens and that you witness. Its like peeling back the layers of an onion, its deep and the deeper you DD the more smelly it gets. The public is getting more knowlegable though and as they continue the same tired old games, the more we witness what their game is and become immune.