By the way, focusing on the corp developments, I really think this is a great step forward for you and the company and it will certainly bring shareholder value in the long run. I especially like how you are going to be able to leverage your celebrity and industry connections to jump start the building of the brand in order to bring on clients for marketing purposes via MCM. It is such a great fit, for you personally, as well as for RFMK. The MJ business sector is primarily full of start ups and small companies looking to fill niches in the emerging industry. What better niche for MCM to be in than to be able to serve various MJ business clients, as their needs will be growing rapidly and so the sector growth will spur their growth and so our growth will be correlated with theirs. It is genius business strategy, in my opinion. Obviously, we shareholders would love to learn more about the exciting prospects and the mentioned first MCM client but I am sure that will all come in time. Congrats on the new arrangement!
Laser sharp focus
Clear path
Dedication and hard work
GO RFMK!!!!!