i decided that im no longer posting on the TYTN DARK Board since they are constantly removing my posts thats a general reply or non TOS violations and they don't restore them or have no option to request review, also the bozo's post stays on board even tho they are in VIOLATION so the 3rd parties or Bogden or the bozo's over there can talk to themselves or to the Chickens, i have enough info now.
will be posting here instead.
Any Investor can visit the SEC Enforcement Tips and Complaints site, if they feel there is some of these activities involved.
Some examples below
- False or misleading statements about a company
- Manipulation is intentional conduct designed to deceive investors by controlling or artificially affecting the market for a security. Manipulation can involve a number of techniques to affect the supply of, or demand for, a stock. They include: spreading false or misleading information about a company ; Those who engage in manipulation are subject to various civil and criminal sanctions.
-Other fraudulent conduct