Your right Angel, it was my fault but I didn't realize just how damaging IHUB's spyware was until I found out this morning. I was literally sick to my stomach about it and as a fellow board member just wanted to let the cat out of the bag how serious the Investor Hub spyware is to the longs who have suffered through their criminal acts and manipulative attacks long enough.
I will take any further posts over to the IHUB Complaint board which is a pretty cool board and gives a good heads up on the IHUB / Investor Hub spyware and criminal activity.
Here is the link to the Investor Hub Complaint board for those who don't know about it yet but there are some very good reads there that go into detail about the malicious spyware that IHUB, Investor Hub now has.
BTW the new announcement today was excellent and not even the PR!
Mark is throwing us bones for the big dance. It's going to be exciting to say the least.