Yes our price right now is based on low production. I may see production differently from everyone else but here is how I see it.
1) If production goes to the ball park of 250 - 300 bopd we are going to see volume we haven't seen since February. Maybe not the 40 mil but its going to sustain day after day until we are around a 1.00. People who haven't heard of this company will see what we have known all along and 1.00 will seem cheap. The reason I stop it at 1.00 is because of the Belize variable. If we have oil in Belize, 1.00 won't last long, If we don't then we will need another big project to break $1.00.
2) If production doesn't break 50 bopd before the end of the year I think that we will be able to buy super cheap shares in January.
I'm not saying we will see one or the other. I'll be happy if we are over 50 bopd because I am still accumulating so every week I can buy is great. I'd like to see if you guys think I am way off with my if/then numjbers.