Steeler, people are, "into" the stock as you say because they have a vested financial interest. That is a direct answer to your direct question. Since you are not the assigned savior of those of us who didn't request it, why not answer the direct question issued by bumper? What's the rational or motive behind your consistent negativity? We have provided rational and motive behind our consistent optimism and that is our financial investment into the company. However, as bump surmised, you seem to have an underlying rational beyond just saving us. Who has asked to be saved? Did anyone call out for your assistance? What most of these people here do is provide due diligence for each other, share info and ideas and discuss potential.
The only thing that truthfully is strange is your insistance that KMAG is in the crapper to which I can comfortably respond and speak for all of us in saying thank you, we know where we stand at present. My personal motive for posting optimistically, while still guarding for potential loss is that I have part of my finances tied up in KMAG. If you have none, what is your purpose here when nobody has asked for your assistance.
If you were simply honest and said it is because you are allowed to express your opinion, whether positive or negative, without a trailer that you want to save us, I would think people would take you more seriously, but again, since nobody has cried out for your wisdom it goes back to bumpers questions. No shares, no vested interest equals why the heck are you here? Our standard underlying suspisions will be that you are doing it to stir fear, panic and/or unease for your own/your groups personal gain. This is nefarious and devious by nature and fairly transparent as well. All in my fairly sensible and perceptive opinion of course.