Calm down.
You're making the mistake all of us make: A belief in logic, fundamentals and common sense when the truth is that any stock with volume is simply a vehicle for professional shorts to make money. You haven't responded to my previous posts, which is ok, but you're trying to figure out "what the hell is going on here." They'll take this down to close the April 16th gap: 0.0039 - 0.0041. If enough people get scared, they'll have more shares to work with and drop it lower; .0025 land? Bottom line, there is a concerted attempt by some sophisticated players to work ICPA down. Tell your friends to unplug their computers and go fishing. Once the shorts have had their fun, this thing will rebound with blinding speed.
"The efficient-market hypothesis may be the foremost piece of B.S. ever promulgated in any area of human knowledge!”