I've always been flabbergasted how they blatantly violate libel laws to say anything against these companies for profit, and so far they have been able to manipulate courts away from the real issue-of libel and defrauding longs of our money-which is a completely separate issue than a mere "chat board". Shorters are knowingly defrauding longs of our money through non stop pathological lies which they KNOW are not true.
So, now, after making a 1000 times more of Bobs legal issues than is warranted while they do worse every day by stealing from longs via their knowing pathological lies, they are now accusing Bob of terrorist activities-- while any post exposing them is deleted, including this one answering js question re how are the raiders defrauding longs":
'-the March 2010 promo -in which CWRN never even issued any stock and so there were no ill gotten gains-and the purpose of which was to raise money to begin operations-which would benefit stockholders-has NOTHING to do w present operations-which are very successful.
So those who profit from a pps fall, by continually shouting fire about this and essentially comparing it w jack the ripper-I've never seen so much made out of so little-and even violate tou's to post several times a day re Bob-
are stealing from longs via their misrepresentation re what happened (when they are doing far worse every day -actually stealing from longs everyday thru those continual misrepresentations re the legal and operations) and trying to block all new investors via such shout fires for profit and an attempt to link it w current operations.
While ignoring everything positive about operations etc,just as they have shouted fire that the 1st ship sank (it didnt) and that operations stopped (didnt-been working 6-7 days/week processing over 200k tons into fertilizer and sinter fines which will give them a negative cost of production)[end of deleted post]
and that the pictures are fake (all verifiable via the exif data and other sources as noted scores of times and they KNOW this)-but they shout a 1000 shout fires which they KNOW are false-
which again blatantly violates the libel standard even for a public figure -which is "reckless disregard for the truth"(US Supreme Court: New York vs Sullivan).
And CWRN and Bob are not public figures like a rock star or movie star or politician would be, so the standard for libel re these penny companies would be somewhere between mere negligence (the standard for a private person) and reckless disregard for the truth.
But they foolishly rely on a manipulated federal circuit decision (the same outlaw court that struck down the flag salute etc) that didnt recognize the real issues and didnt recognize the difference between a chat board(where no money was involved) and a stock board -where shorters purposefully knowingly lie for profit to steal from longs.
My best friend lost his house and life because of their fraudulent games-thats different than a mere chat board- many have lost their homes and lives because of their fraudulent games
and when I mentioned what happened to my best friend they said that made them happy-that encouraged them to redouble their efforts, knowing they were being successful in destroying longs.
These are people of futile depraved minds who KNOW they are daily stealing from and destroying longs. They call longs evil just like satanists and most cults call good people evil-Isa 5:20. Thus like satanists-and some of them are-thats why they are devoted to destruction-they think they have the right to do anything with impunity.
So now they shout that Bob is a terrorist on the order of Al Qaeda-knowing thats the most inflammatory thing they could possibly say after the Sept 11,2001 terrorist attacks against the twin towers.
There are hundreds of promotions every month but CWRN was targeted as the raiders leader admitted because CWRN was the only real company in the SEC complaint-the only co not already at .0001-so raiders strategy and purpose is to bring cwrn down to .0001. I had seen raiders do that to so many pennies and thus destroy the companies before they had net income that I didnt buy much stock when it was cheap. The only company that dared actually break through as a successful startup.
As 7-10-11 and others say, hedge funds and others target many of these penny companies w shorting and naked shorting-knowing that 95% of these companies will fail on their own. The finra stated daily "short volume " on CWRN was consistently 60-95% in fall of 2010-which those like 7-10-11 and rocket who know more about that say indicates there was a large naked short position by a hedge fund.
So when the pps started rocketing higher in Jan 2011 when people recognized this company was actually going to make it the shorters fraudulently shouted to otc that there had been a newsletter promo (which non-regulatory otc considers a no no if a company isnt "current classification" --otc gets 40% of their revenue from company filings so more money for otc if current- so they slap ce on many pennies in such a situation without any real investigation to force them to upgrade to current class (and then they slap a bunch of unnecessary other penalties/filings from which otc also profits before a co can be upgraded to current).
Current class is good but the for profit conflict of interest skews their slapping of ce without real investigation for there was no promo anywhere near that time.
And this thing re promos is highly hypocritical. Fraud is incredibly pervasive throughout the stock market w every entity. But regulatory,which I believe is now part of the problem, doesnt proceed against the big boys because of the big boys political and financial clout, so they hypocritically go after defenseless little guys knowing 95% of penny companies dont even have the finances to defend-so the powertrippers making a name for themselves irregardless of justice can go back home and run for DA on a law and order ticket and have a parade-no conscience -w no sense of how many peoples lives they have ruined.
Thats what they've been taught in law school. "Its not about justice. There is no justice. There is no right or wrong. You are a hitman." Almost everybody who still had a conscience when they entered law school left in disgust within a few days. I didnt because I was under orders from the cult I was born into to be part of their professed and proven manipulation of the legal system-the same manipulation I see employed in the "libel" cases re these boards and the exact same methods used by the shorters.
The system purposely eliminates anybody w a conscience as an agent of change. Independent thinking is anathema. They want good little automaton robots who cant think for themselves and have no conscience so they will do whatever the powers that be tell them to do-powertrippers. Because its not about justice -its about power drama theatrics and b.s.. I've seen that since 1st day of law school so that thinking did not come out of Bobs current situation.
And it looks like requlatory themselves, for political considerations, greenlighted otc/dtc/brokers/mm's etc to attack low priced pennies w impunity in late 2009-which has led to a never before seen concerted attack by those entities against such pennies-thus defrauding longs-NOT protecting stockholders-unless longs are no longer considered stockholders.
And many of those entities are blatantly violating fiduciary duty or engaged in defacto fraud against longs in the process-so who is kidding who?
If they were really concerned w justice they would go after the shorters who congressional investigations showed played a key part in the 2008 financial collapse and the big boys who truly defrauded millions. Rather than essentially working w informants who are reportedly working for a hedge fund to bring companies down to protect the reported hedge funds illegal naked shorting.
And as many have noted they only go after the promoters. They dont usually go after the demoters who are reportedly working as informants w regulatory (as some of them have openly bragged) which is an unconstitutional 14th amendment violation of the constitution.