NSS goes hand in glove with the OTC where JBI currently resides
the OTC is both heavily manipulated and poorly watched
there is zero transparency courtesy of the SEC who as so
many are now learning via other means *allowed* this behavior to go unchecked
I called it the perfect crime that went for almost a decade
because until a sequence of events came to pass In late 2008/2009
it was literally given a free pass while so many looked the other way
what few seem to realize is that by not allowing legit co.s an ability
to access capital without becoming *prey* >> this country loses
across multiple levels >> imo a generation now re: new technology >> jobs >> taxes paid
not every legit OTC co. would have succeeded >> but all become *prey* by the predators the moment they started to be publicly traded including JBII
not sure how many realize that *access* to capital is why co.s become public
access to capital was why this country succeeded for generations .. lost gen will be hard to recover from imo
the PROs have ANGST re: JBII (stock) because the co.s I/O (issued and outstanding) is far below the avg OTC co. at this level of the co.s transition >> most have either a BILLION + shares or have undergone the almost always requisite reverse split
courtesy of P2O >> JBII doesn't have to have a r/s >> instead they have a SS to be envied ..
PROs have worked the stock since 2009 >> and since May 2010 >> PREDATORS aka PROs >> have been unrelenting in their efforts to kill off the co. for profit
it's why the first author was CONtracted (hit piece) that coincided with CSTI's importation to aid and abet NITE (July 2010)
but how you know the SEC is in this up to their eyeballs is the letter (not uploaded for almost a year) dated 9.28.10 .. good luck in finding anything remotely comparable to any other company
PROs' have 4+ years of bogus bs re: NSS with JBII .. and as I've noted all along .. they never cover one second b4 being forced to do so .. and even then it will only be a partial cover
each year that *partial cover* >> imo adds 10.00 (making this round now 40.00 on a partial cover)
it's game over when a prox is sold .. here's to an aware mgmt. filing a sequence of material events that even the PROs' trolls can grasp