He already knows that! Don't be fooled. Well I guess I can see that your not. LoL
The Lie Hub I-HUB is wondering where their members are going.
We don't like bias liar boards with their own agenda.
Now would the Feds really have seized their equipment and computers if they were legit?
I remember when their server was down a few days ago, how funny, as the Feds had it loaded up and gone along with several computers and half the staff. They are now running with a skeleton crew.
That dope over there noquit doesn't even know and is still a blooming idiot as we can all get his info from the Feds through the freedom of information act now that the so called public message board is now really public for once in oublic officials hands.
That means a court order is not needed to access the information which I-hub Lie Hub always fought.
We are going to soar anyway, looking forward to the up and coming news blast.