And also what about this?
SLIC....You and I cannot short stocks that are priced less than $1.00. Off shore accts and MMs can however short stocks priced less than $1.00. What we need to do is tie up our shares so that they cannot be borrowed by a MM to short the stock. You can do that by placing all your shares for sell for $1.00 GTC. We especially need to be concerned about Pizza Man's shares because his acct. is off shore. Hopefully he has a cash acct. rather than a margin acct with his brokerage firm. If he has a margin acct. his stock can be borrowed to short the stock.
Can we confirm that Pizza Boss has an offshore account? OMG this is getting a little crazy! can we please post facts.. thought we had to put IMO if it was an opinion? One fact is that the S/P is dropping really fast!