What were your plans for GESI? Seems "plans" almost never turn out as expected in OTC ...unless your a fella who cheats..lies...manipulates...and uses deceptive measures to achieve your own personal end game results....that would be Pollock...Pollock...Davidson....possibly Mackay...and Graham....
the rest of us...as I have stated repeatedly here over the last month or so.....drank the koolaide...followed the bait provided...and lost big.....
Looks like that door has closed for now....but its bout to come full circle in courtS of law...multiple courts....
ONLY facts ...not speculation...or opinions...will be made public...and everyone will be able to see who is who...what is what...and all the "agendas" everyone had...or has....
I think I was pretty specific in what I posted over the last month....if you have anything of actual real information ...don't hesitate to post it here for all.....but be careful of opinions...and speculation....always best to have proof before anyone goes of making accustaions you may need to back up later...in one of those courts...drunk don't count as a viable excuse...fyi