2can; love your enthusiasm & enjoy reading the info you've supplied plus you've made me laugh many times. Great sense of humour.
As far as the countdown goes, however, I'd rather do without.
I've been in 2 stocks before that had countdowns leading up to anticipated big news...and in both cases, the stock tanked pretty much as soon as the countdown ended. News wasn't what was expected & negativity kicked in & down they both went.
Not saying that will happened here. Im hugely optimistic about DUTV. But countdowns scare me.
Other than that: keep up the good work & the humour. I am stoked about the next couple of weeks.
3 great things about April 2014:
-My home turf, the Pacific Northwest transitions from cold & wet to mild & wet (and even some sun).
-Pretty much my favourite sporting event of the year (The Masters) starts in a few days.
-DUTV: we should certainly see some news about DUTV this month. Im not expecting it on a specific day though. Sometime this month...but who knows which exact day.
I sure hope we're all right about this.
Im nervous & excited about how things will unfold for all of us in the month of April and Im ready to jump for joy / high five / party / yell "Booyah" / walk around with a perma smile once news is announced.