Terra Tech Corp. - SEC Investigation !!
( Short Version Information Copy )
Complete SEC Complaints List of March 24, 2014 :
Shell Scam, Insider Trading, Stock Price Manipulation,
Company’s Merger Fraud, Faking, Misleading, Abuse
of Investors for the Company’s Executives to create
Financial Advantages for themselves and refusing to
provide legitimately asked Informations as obliged.
April 2, 2014 :
The SEC contacted for information and this means
the SEC TRTC Investigation is definitely ongoing !
News Press Releases May Soon Follow ! ( By Reuters, WSJ, Etc. )
Subject: RE: Urgent Shell Scam Company Matter : Terra Tech Corp., Ticker: TRTC
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:08:43
Re: Terra Tech Corp.
Dear Investors:
This is to confirm receipt of information to the Regional Office of the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission regarding Terra Tech Corp. Thank you for taking the
time to alert us to your concerns. The SEC processes many complaints received
from individual investors and others. We keep records of the correspondence we
receive in a searchable database that SEC staff may make use of in inspections,
examinations, and investigations. In addition, some correspondence received is
referred directly to other SEC offices and divisions for their review.
Please understand that the SEC conducts its investigations on a confidential and
nonpublic basis and neither confirms nor denies the existence of an investigation
unless the SEC brings charges against someone involved. We do this to protect the
integrity and effectiveness of our investigative process and to preserve the privacy
of the individuals and entities involved.
As a result, we will not be able to confirm whether an investigation exists or provide
you with any future updates on the status of your complaint or of any pending SEC
investigation. Please do note that if an investigation or other Commission action is
initiated, it is possible you will be contacted by SEC staff for additional information.
I’ve attached a flyer that describes our policy as it will apply to your complaint.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions.
Investor Assistance Taskforce
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Central Office
The complete existing and further completing Evidence Base,
for not disturbing the Investigations can here not been shown.
This according the Phone- Conversations with SEC Chef Taskforce.
TRTC has SEC Company‘s Closing Risks, where its Stocks
automatically get ZERO- Value from One Moment To Another
and where the Investors could do nothing about when the
SEC Decides and Orders to STOP Any Stock Trading !