Last year at this time we were going to BK court. It looked bleak. The balz guys were rewarded who were smart enough to read between the lines. Now we have a better situation than last year. There is really a good possible of drilling some commercial well in west Texas. We are going to get a small settlement from the bashers. Teco is going to go back into the pennies after drilling starts. If teco fails to get funding in the next two months I am propose that we start a royalty company of our own and pay the expenses to get the first well off the ground this year. $ 500000.00 dollars would have to be raised to drill complete and maintain the well. This will be done if Teco dose not get funding by the end of April. We will have to snap into action. Shares will cost $ 200.00 each and it will be a private Company. There will only be 2500 shares issued. I am looking for a 3 % royalty. Which will be attached to the well even if sold and no responsibility if the well is shut down.
It will be a catalyst.
God Bless