Here you go factsrfacts. I have two picks you should research right away and see if they meet your research criteria. The first is StreamTrack (STTK).
StreamTrack (STTK) .0127 cents per share .
StreamTrack Media ..
A media marketing company that provides advertisers with powerful lead generation solutions through effectively targeted online media reaching a global audience. Coupling its vast internal reach with a proven network of online marketers , StreamTrack Media™ provides advertisers with the solutions they need to make their presence known online.
- Offering CPM, CPC and CPA solutions for Advertisers
- Thousands of 'in-network' publishers
- Exclusive access to a huge Video Ad Network
- Unparalleled analytics and compliance methods for all partners
- Industry -wide media buying relationships
- 'Plug-ins' to every major traffic aggregator
- Significant traffic in more than 80+ countries
- Over 1 billion impressions served every day
Jetcast ... Jetcast®