Here's a little overview of his posts the past few months (copied verbatim from the public posts that are still available):
"more like every other penny...nothing will make this go bullish until they show some financials ."
"YIKES..Good reading going through old posts...I expect a new RS in the near future to uplist..the ship is taking on too much water...600 million shares give or take in 7 months..YIKES"
" Think about it, the OS has already ballooned before under steve and they did a Reverse split of the shares the stock cant hold a penny, revenues arent there, the pump prs arent working...and he wants to uplist...that only leads me to believe we will see either a. another rs to uplist a non profit company, or letting the current shell be diluted another billion...I feel the latter is more realistic."
" weak close, clear channel is small time compared to punch tv, and punch tv aint much...clear is just a airport channel barely giving exposure to icpa..I was thinking country wide. rofl...most are drunk sleeping or on xanax for the flight while watching that junk!!...whats next steve..this stock has a heavy anchor...burning through cash like a bat out of hell..where is the money"
" back to .o024 soon, see 6 month chart, you cant fight the tape"
" Looks like Mr Samblis needs to sell more shares for more cash for snake skin boots and mink coats, winters coming"
" Steve is your typical wheel and deal type of guy..hes already made personal small fortune of the hype he surrounded around icpa...hes had numerous different jobs, he got a good run on this for sure...lets wait and see what happens next, as it is hes burning through cash recklessly...first class tickets, extravagant dinners outings clothes cars...I even said when everyone was so excited about "PUNCH TV" that why would they give it away so cheap if it had any chance of being successful ...punch tv im sure is loaded with debt"
" yall were saying to buy @ .04, .03, .02, and FOR SURE .01 Cause it wasnt goiong lower than that...I see a pattern here.. I will buy when it gets to .0025, then if all is well fins get released and they are finally one day at profit..then ill buy until then its bear city"
" the stock is becoming immune to prs, cLassic"
" oh gawd is that punch tvs actual about mickey mouse cheap"
" DUHHH only the foolish expected revenues to be high, ims ure some even expected a profit...this is a development stage company..its is at least 2 years away from making any money..things dont happen over night people...good things take time to fruit...and the operating expenses must be through the roof..I really REALLY hope he doesnt raise the share structure, that would be the kiss of death"
" down another 17%..ooF"
" clear vision? who/>> never heard of them..clear channel airport network?? when have you watched tv while at the airport ..Ive only seen the inflight all should stop sayind CC deal because you should be saying CV deal...very wonder no one cares its just some knock off name network no one has heard about. LOl"
" this stock is a DISASTER..pos"