Speaking for myself, and myself alone, I care because I am sick and tired of scumbags working to steal my hard earned money in our fraud filled markets by betting against companies I am invested in being successful. Understand, I have no problem with shorting but I have a big problem with naked shorting. I also have a problem with those doing it having undeclared compensated posters working the boards planting seeds of fear and doubt in an effort to insure their profit. These scumbags will do anything for a buck and obviously have no conscience.
The regulators have allowed naked shorting to persist for years looking the other way as thousands had billions stolen from them and many companies bankrupted in the process.
Today, more and more investors and companies realize how the scumbags operate and are fighting back. Expect to see a reversal of fortune beginning in 2014 which will be the beginning of the end for many of these scumbags. Perp walks coming! Go JBII!!!