Obama Quote Displayed in Cairo Airport: 'We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people.'
Andrew Bostom
A colleague sent me the image below from Egypt's Cairo Airport, which had been discussed in an e-mail posted September 22, 2012 at Godfather Politics:
My husband and I just came back from the Middle East. As we arrived in Cairo, going down the mechanical stairs to go to the baggage claim area, there's this big poster which reads: "We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people." President of the USA, Barack Obama
Notwithstanding President Obama's quoted admonition (from 2011), a detailed 2004 study of Egyptian children's textbooks ("Jews, Christians, War and Peace in Egyptian School Textbooks"), revealed their unabashed inculcation of anti-infidel hatred. For example, explicit sanctioning for jihad-related beheadings is provided in a seemingly pedestrian manner:
Studies in Theology: Tradition and Morals, Grade 11, (2001) pp. 291-92 ... This noble [Qur'anic] Surah [Surat Muhammad]... deals with questions of which the most important are as follows: 'Encouraging the faithful to perform jihad in God's cause, to behead the infidels, take them prisoner, break their power, and make their souls humble - all that in a style which contains the highest examples of urging to fight. You see that in His words: 'When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take a ransom from them, until war shall lay down its burdens.'
Commentary on the Surahs of Muhammad, Al-Fath, Al-Hujurat and Qaf, Grade 11, (2002) p. 9 ... When you meet them in order to fight [them], do not be seized by compassion [towards them] but strike the[ir] necks powerfully. ... Striking the neck means fighting, because killing a person is often done by striking off his head. Thus, it has become an expression for killing even if the fighter strikes him elsewhere. This expression contains a harshness and emphasis that are not found in the word 'kill,' because it describes killing in the ugliest manner, i.e., cutting the neck and making the organ - the head of the body - fly off [the body].
Although chilling to our modern sensibilities, particularly when being taught to children, these are merely classical interpretations of the rules for jihad war, based on over a millennium of Muslim theology and jurisprudence. And the context of these teachings is unambiguous, as the translator makes clear:
[The] concept of jihad is interpreted in the Egyptian school curriculum almost exclusively as a military endeavor ... it is war against God's enemies, i.e., the infidels ... it is war against the homeland's enemies and a means to strengthening the Muslim states in the world. In both cases, jihad is encouraged, and those who refrain from participating in it are denounced.
Teaching Egyptian schoolchildren anti-infidel jihad hatred is clearly a long, ongoing, and ignoble tradition even within the modern era. As the scholar E.W. Lane reported after several years of residence in both Cairo and Luxor (initially in 1825-1828, then in 1833-1835):
I am credibly informed that children in Egypt are often taught at school, a regular set of curses to denounce upon the persons and property of Christians, Jews, and all other unbelievers in the religion of Mohammad.
Lane's nephew Edward Stanley Poole (who edited the 1860 re-issue of his uncle's classic work) was provided such a prayer, which he translated, below, from a contemporary 19th-century Arabic text, containing a typical curse on non-Muslims, recited daily by Muslim schoolchildren:
I seek refuge with God from Satan the accursed. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. O God, aid El-Islam, and exalt the word of truth, and the faith, by the preservation of thy servant and the son of thy servant, the Sultan of the two continents (Europe and Asia), and the Khakan (Emperor or monarch) of the two seas [the Mediterranean and Black Seas], the Sultan, son of the Sultan (Mahmood) Khan (the reigning Sultan when this prayer was composed). O God, assist him, and assist his armies, and all the forces of the Muslims: O Lord of the beings of the whole world. O God, destroy the infidels and polytheists, thine enemies, the enemies of the religion. O God, make their children orphans, and defile their abodes, and cause their feet to slip, and give them and their families, and their households and their women and their children and their relations by marriage and their brothers and their friends and their possessions and their race and their wealth and their lands as booty to the Muslims: O Lord of the beings of the whole world.
The modern scholar of Islamic civilization, S.D. Goitein, warned more than a century later, in 1949, speaking of the Arab world generally and in particular Egypt:
Islamic fanaticism ... is now openly encouraged[.] ... [W]riters whose altogether Western style (was mentioned earlier) have been vying with each other for some time in compiling books on the heroes and virtues of Islam[.] ... What has now become possible in educated circles may be gathered from the following quotation from an issue of the New East, an Arab monthly periodical describing itself as the "organ of the academic youth of the East":
"Let us fight fanatically for our religion; let us love a man-because he is a Moslem; let us honor a man- because he is a Moslem; let us prefer him to anyone else-because he is a Moslem; and never let us make friends with unbelievers, because they have nothing but evil for us."
And a decade later, in 1958, Lebanese Law Professor Antoine Fattal, a noted scholar of the legal condition of non-Muslims living under the sharia, lamented:
No social relationship, no fellowship is possible between Muslims and dhimmis[.] ...
Even today, the study of the jihad is part of the curriculum of all the Islamic institutes. In the universities of Al-Azhar, Najaf, and Zaitoune, students are still taught that the holy war is a binding prescriptive decree, pronounced against the Infidels, which will only be revoked with the end of the world[.] ... The (Muslim) Prophet did in fact say ... and his words have not expired: "I came with the sword[.] ... Jihad is engaged now and to the day when the last handful of men of my nation will be called to fight the 'Antichrist!" Islam will not emerge from this impasse until the day when its scholars take the initiative to open wide the doors of ijtihad.
Sadly, a half-century after Fattal made his observations, the sacralized hatred inherent in jihad is still being inculcated as part of the formal education of Muslim youth in Egypt, the most populous Arab country, and throughout the Arab Muslim and larger non-Arab Muslim world.
Mr. Obama should have demanded that such bellicose, hate-mongering instructional practices be abolished in Egypt (and throughout Islamdom) rather than perversely extolling such indoctrination as an educational model for American youth.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/10/o...z28cEWSGaw
Any doubt about where Obama’s heart lies must include some deliberate blindness.