MattyS, thanks for the link. Wow, legalization in Washington state would be a bigger game changer than I even had prepared in my mind for the upcoming positive catalysts for RFMK. Seriously, 57% in favor already is almost a landslide as it regards these kinds of large votes. The way I see it, those who are for it will show up because they are adamant about the cause, whereas those who do not want to see it pass I do not think would take the trouble to vote against it (though not sure what ballot it will appear on). Should MJ be legalized there, we could see a massive stampede into MJ related stocks and companies. I suggest holding positions in all of them as I do. But of course, I think RFMK specifically stands out as one of the industry leaders or at least one of the growth companies which stand ready to gain most by such a game changer! Instutional investors would probably be falling over themselves to get large positions (at least 10% stakes) in RFMK (and CBIS, MJNA and others) and with RFMK's float at 1B, that really only leaves room for about 10 firms to each get a 10% stake so who knows, the demand for shares could jump dramatically if that vote were to go the way of legalization! If that happens, I don't think anyone can really predict where the PPS goes. At that point, everyone and his brother is going to want to be an affiliate distributor for the CannaCig and upcoming products by RFMK. The industry will break wide open and RFMK could see tens of millions in revenue annually very quickly! That could mean dollar land in the future. I hate to become overly positive about the potential for the PPS, I think talking about dollar land right now for RFMK is premature, however, I still think its fair for investors to realize that legalization is such a game changer that if it happens even once in one of these states then it will pave the way for other states to legalize, so in a very short amount of time, it could be legalized in many states, which would blow the top off of this MJ industry very quickly and lead to gigantic gains, perhaps into dollar land, for RFMK! This is truly ground breaking news!