People need to understand the amazing benefits of legalizing marijuana and the disastrous consequences of criminalizing it. It's not only hypocritical that the government has banned marijuana while legalizing alcohol - it's reprehensible as well as a blatant abuse of power. The fact still remains and is indisputable that the side effects of marijuana abuse pale in comparison to that of alcohol abuse.
Marijuana being banned is exemplary of the twisted perceptions of the vocal minority being adopted by special interests and pumped into the mainstream.
In a REASONABLE world America would have banned alcohol before marijuana, and currently we would be fighting to legalize alcohol in the place of marijuana. But we live under an unreasonable government dominated by a few unreasonable organizations, we are lucky to have people like Cheryl fighting for the cause of freedom of choice. Especially when that choice can bring no harm to any person place or thing while being able to heal people!
Legalize marijuana. Prohibition is an atrocity that really grinds my gears.
RFMK get ready to blow up. RFMK is going to rock the OTC market.