They won.
I disagree, and for these reasons:
- ICPA is still in business.
- ICPA is still trading.
- ICPA is not at No Bid.
- ICPA is growing in terms of company size, revenue generation and exposure.
- ICPA still has a large number of long investors, who are still holding and adding.
- Upcoming financials, yet to be released, announced or rumored, will dictate if this company is in decline, neutrality, or upswing, NOT the current PPS as it is being traded.
- The CEO continues to be proactive in informing shareholders of company status and ongoing operations
- The CEO is active in calling out lies, rumors and falsities about his company.
- PunchTV continues to add affiliates
Not sure how you arrive at "they won", other than you define winning as controlling a chat board that is obviously slanted and currently under Federal investigation. (Quoting Mina Mar Group).
JMO, of course, but if you study the Art of War, by Sun Tzu, I think you will find that you have grossly overstated, in error, your analysis of the long term plan here.