Hey Lmcat, love this board, have been reading it a bit this morning. Lots of interesting information here. I agree I-hub is a disaster and a way for guys to go broke. I've been able to notice lots of strange and inconsistent things happening there. I know that they have paid pumping and bashing, I know some of them personally. The bashing part is a bit weird, some bashing seems totally purposeless as you mentioned. I could go on and on though, lol, when I post its called spamming, on the other hand the pumpers post 100 posts per day all over I-hub no one says a word. Its pretty obvious what going on. One day I spent reporting
Report TOS Violation 's for all the major pumpers on I-hub with 50 posts or more for their pumps, and they were all ignored. I didn't even get a reply from admin. lol. I've noticed they have some sort of stock cycle timing calendar for specific stocks, where they want awareness and when they don't want awareness. I end up in the jailhouse, everytime they don't want awareness. I guess I break their spamming rules sometimes, but the problem is that those same rules don't apply to everyone. Anyways, maybe I will find some answers on this board.