Yeah pretty pathetic. I am actually in another play right now where people were buying then turning around and selling at a loss to drive PPS down and cause a panic to buy at the 200MA and catch the bounce. It is a little scary and I was almost shook myself but realized DD trumps short term fear. I know even true longs here do not enjoy seeing red in their brokerage account, I certainly don't. But no matter how low this gets walked down, we will come back. My only desire to see the Price stay here or higher is it cuts out a lot of the profit taking. Once this deal is taken care of and Audited financials come, etc. I know for sure we will return to penny land. The problem is if that return is from .005 versus from .0005, it takes a heck of lot longer to get there because there are so many rounds of profit takers. All JMO, but anything we can do to support and stabilize price, lets do it.