Who cares the March Madness prediction did not come to fruition. We're dealing with a business here and anything can happen.
I remember years ago in my pharma days when I worked for a company who flew 2000 Reps and Managers to New Orleans to launch a new indication for one of their products they were positive would receive FDA approval. This new indication was supposed to net hundreds of millions of revenues for the company. They spent millions on this launch meeting and millions on the new promotional material. Two weeks after the meeting the company received a letter from the FDA that the indication did not receive approval. The company was Ciba-Geigy. They eventually merged with Sandoz and formed a company called Novartis. Today Novartis is worth $81.59/Share.
Point is, business plans are just that, plans. Businesses have to have them. What makes a company successful though is when they can adjust to failures or changing markets. Setting goals is healthy, all businesses do it. Not meeting the goal simply means you step back, refocus, and charge forward. This is where we are with SCRC right now. If Bob wasn't setting goals I would be concerned. If Bob wasn't adjusting to the markets, I would be concerned. Bob has developed six different revenue streams and at any time one of these revenue streams could take priority over another. I just glad we have six and that we're not betting on only one. Its the bottom line I'm interested in. And the bottom line is the sum total of the all revenue streams. I don't care if its TN, PIMD, RapiMeds, or compound pharmacy. I am confident SCRC is going to explode with revenues in the months to come. And we all will be the benefactors. Get excited everyone, we are now looking at April - step back, refocus, & charge forward. And, don't let anyone steal your dream.
Tuscany - Summer of 2015