1. I think he start by first doing a little more DD when building relationships, yes he can blame JC for the punch fiasco, but he knew who JC was before the deal so that's his fault.
2. Next how about telling the truth, Steve can bring all the revenue in the world to this company but, he has to look himself in the Mirror at night. At this point do you think we have a CEO that has Integrity?
3. Bring value to shareholders has any longs made any money here in the past 2+yrs? but Steve has.
4. Keep you word on something ie PR's, stating that your going to stop posting on message boards, and change you mind and also on the R/S just to name a few decision that he went back on.
5. Learn how to set your ego aside and have some humility.
6. Lean how to speak to people.
7. Stop blaming others you're the CEO this is your job
Here is a start. Do you think he can change any of these Ray? these are just a COUPLE of issues that he has.. He can change the SS and ticker all he want's your problem still exists...