From minamar Friday alerts
Ha IHUB got raided by the FEDS. I believe the sec got flooded with complaints. I know i was one of them on multiple occasions. Justice for BCAP along with many other plays. Smear campaign will end suddenly and when that happens i'm pretty sure we will know what happened.
IHUB Trouble in Paradise? |
In accordance with a certain court order and a judgment Mina Mar Group and our Principals obtained against Investors Hub they are to remove any false and misleading post from their chat board which contains any erroneous or twisted information against us. While we understand that this is a task we sent the admin several emails and no reply? We called their offices no reply? Our sources tell us that USA Federal agents recently raided their offices and took away many computers and servers. It appears the company and this chat board is operating on back up support and skeleton staff. We reached out to the admin via e mail on September 17 2012 with no reply. If you are curious as to how we reached out to them and what we proposed we would provide you with a copy of the email we sent to them. Simple make your request through our ticket system . |