Roger's Picks...
THCB .0882 We now know it's an Oil and Gas play and they rent office space for 25K a month in the luxiouious Williams Towers!
Next weeks PR's kick off on MarketWire so look for some great news!!! This is a huge $$$ opportunity for investors. Don't expect to see dilution from this company. THCB just REDUCED the float by a cool 6 million!!!!
CVRG up 60% today! +.03. Now $.08 Recently reactivated shell with up to date financials. The new company has not yet been named but will likely occur anytime. The biggie here is the incredibly tiny float of 1,247,931. This shot to a high of .94 on rumors over the summer. Go look at the chart. This is a lottery day with a huge payday potential.
OK everyone say Mega-million-Multi-Baggers 10x times
This is Roger Wilco Over but definitely not out!
PS. Here's a picture of THCB's new corporate home...