disappointments do add up, but so have accomplishments this year. Opening the new facility in record time (originally scheduled for April), partnering with Ohio Goodwill, partnering with NRT for rare earth recycling equipment and expertise, and especially partnering with Loyalty Equipment--what I am weighing against the lawsuit and auditor issue.
China revenues getting included in the 10K and the 10K being audited and filed on time are my biggest concerns.
2trg lawsuit----not so much.
big risk for newbies? yes, but no more so than any OTC and less so than most OTC and I think that is why we see so much bargain buying today. but we are still undervalued by far and from my perspective the only thing that will stop this from catching up is that 10K. that is the gamble. the 10K and only the 10K.
Will china accounting issue finally get solved some day for all companies experiencing the same? most likely as there are bigger, deeper pockets being impacted and they have lobbying power.
Martin moving too fast? I still don't understand what you are asking for as a shareholder.
What I'd like to hear soon is where all are they pulling in e-waste from to the new Ohio facility, which partnerships did that facility set in motion. Is the Caribbean venture now rolling because of that facility? Is Mexico now rolling? where are shipments coming from and then going to afterwards? What month will the Bangalore facility be operational? They gave us the date of April last winter when setting a date for the Ohio facility (and we got March). Can they give us the month for the Bangalore facility as well?