Kleangas Energy Technologies Hemp Pellet Test Results Exceed Expectations
TAMPA, FL--(Marketwired - Mar 26, 2014) - Kleangas Energy Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: KGET) is pleased to report that our Hemp Pellet test results have more than exceeded our expectations, and are equal to wood pellets tested in many respects. Given the successful KLEANGAS proprietary testing results we received from utilizing Hemp, we are enthusiastically moving forward with the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of our exclusive new Pellet brand HEMP-PEL(TM).
Hemp farming is completely sustainable when rotated with other crops, produces four (4) times as much fiber per acre as pine trees, and Hemp is an ideal source of biomass as fuel which will be used as an alternative to coal and other fossil fuels.
Hemp is a very similar crop to bamboo. The stalk contains fiber and a hard woody core material. Industrial hemp differs from THC-producing Marijuana in that marijuana plants must be grown in warm humid environments, while Industrial Hemp can be grown in a much wider range of areas. This is why Industrial Hemp supplies are quickly on the rise. Hemp Pellets are a much cleaner burning fuel than fossil fuels. A great example of this is that hemp Ethanol is already in use and burns very cleanly.
Don Willis, EVP of G Pell production a subsidiary of Kleangas Technologies, Inc., stated, "In our lab analysis we compared hemp against several other conventional biomass fuel pellets. When compared to paper, cardboard, corn, wood, and any of these base substrates mixed with a corn supplement we found that, regardless of binder used, hemp exceeded all of them, even wood, in BTU value. Additionally hemp was the only base substrate that did not receive a BTU 'kick' from using a corn additive. This shows the superior value of adding hemp to our biofuel portfolio as we move forward in our goal of providing energy solutions around the world."