hello? you still there? you are getting your discussion.
Why no reply?
How about something like this:
"great, I think I will call Phred to learn more about Martin's supposed ego and tactics. and I'll get back to the board afterwards with my DD" or maybe "I'll connect with Martin on linkedin and message one of his connections and of course get back to the board with my DD."
or maybe something like
"as a shareholder what I believe would be in the best interest of shareholders that is contrary to the current plan is........."
"I'm going to write or call Investor Relations and ask about the lawsuit.......and of course get back to the board regarding....."
and maybe
"chris zwicke left the company, who's he? maybe I can call that guy and get back to the board with my DD. maybe I'll ask him if he still is a shareholder and if he felt comfortable saying "no" to Martin."