Hollund Industrial Marine investors, anything to do with marijuana these days is flying high. I see stocks gaining from 100% to 1,000% with just the mention of MMJ. In Hollund's case we know the CEO of Kinsdomain (Bruce P.) intended to use lumber obtained from North Cal, and we even know a video was made where Bruce talked about an underwater recovery mechanism that certainly sounded like the TigerLynk.
As for how MMJ adds value to HIMR --- that is a mystery, at least to me. To be honest, the marijuana or hemp connection sounds more like a gimmick. However, we do know Hollund intends to start projects they hope will continue to support the local peoples long after the trees are all harvested. So if Panama legalizes marijuana for production and export, it is possible that any waste hemp fiber from these operations could be combined with wood waste from Hollund's milling operations to produce fuel. This fuel source would effectively reduce Hollund's carbon footprint to zero or very near zero.
This combination would seem to be long term in my opinion. First, Panama would need to legalize marijuana, and I don't know if they have even begun to consider this issue. Then, land would need to be cleared, and marijuana would need to be cultivated. Finally, some type of industrial hemp operation would need to be started and actually in operation to generated such waste. Who would run the operation? I don't know. However, I am certain interested parties could be found. The time is the real issue, and the value added in fuel savings is difficult to calculate until more is known. What I am saying is there is a connection here, but how much and of what value is hard to calculate.
Regardless, the value for investors is likely an increased share price, and that is so very long over due. So rejoice in thought of marijuana. For now, Marijuana is the catalyst to profits wherever it goes.