If you're President Obama and you lose Chris Matthews, it's pretty clear you lost the debate. TheDC's Jamie Weinstein (ME!) reports:
"On television and on Twitter, President Obama’s most fervent liberal backers in the media lamented the president’s performance in the first presidential debate in Denver, Colo ... Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who once declared he had a tingle go up his leg from merely listening to a speech from President Obama, had a similar assessment. 'What was Romney doing tonight, he was winning,' Matthews declared. 'If he gets five more of these nights, forget it.'... [Liberal Daily Beast columnist Andrew] Sullivan even suggested Wednesday night’s performance may have lost the election for the president. 'How is Obama’s closing so fucking sad, confused, lame? He choked. He lost. He may even have lost election tonight,' he tweeted ."
The president getting kicked by Andrew Sullivan? Andrew Sullivan!? Ouch. That's nearly as bad as if Mitt got ripped by John Sununu --- or a hundred dollar bill.
More comments:
"By halfway into the debate, viewers were surely hoping for the equivalent of a Little League mercy rule to kick in. Romney pounded away on the president while he hardly fought back. He was listless and weak. There could be no spinning it: President Obama lost and lost bad. In one evening, Romney may have partially erased the Obama campaign's effort define him as a rapacious businessman who only cares about rich people. The charge didn’t ring true Wednesday night. Romney came across as a serious man bearing facts ... Many fellow pundits were quick to say in the run up to the debates that presidential debates rarely make a big difference. That may be true, until they do. And there is no question that Wednesday night’s debate, which was likely the most watched event of the campaign season thus far, will cause the polls to narrow in Romney's favor -- perhaps significantly so." |
5.) Poll of the Day: Debate watchers swayed by Romney -- CNN poll on Wednesday night's debate: 35 percent said debate made them more likely to vote for Mitt Romney, 18 percent said it made them more likely to vote for President Obama, while 47 percent said it had no effect on their vote. |