In my last post you can read the request for help posted by Dr. Apel on the Berkeley Bio FaceBook page. I didn’t see this until this morning. I spoke to Ann earlier. She and her husband have known Dr. Apel forever. Due to her husband’s illness, their world was turned upside down. I don’t think they told anyone until recently because of the humiliation factor and I’m sure they never dreamed things would become so overwhelming.
The BAD NEWS is that they are struggling now with where to live. They need help. Please read Dr. Apel’s comments under his original post. He’s right. This could happen to any of us. But for the grace of God . . . People are here for different reasons but money is one thing common to all. It is so easy to send money to Ann via Western Union. This would help to solve their most urgent problem.
The GREAT NEWS is that Charles (as she calls him) has stepped in and taken charge. Ann told me that we don’t ever need to wonder if what we have here is REAL. Her husband has come from a coma like state to getting up and dressing himself. The tumor is shrinking and curling up on itself. His blood work was normal yesterday. We are all truly blessed to be a part of this. Please pay it forward. Peace out.