I don't think so.... first of all, there is no way the Judgement has heard in 1 day. Honestly I don't know the status of it, not do i care, but that is not believable.
I does not even make any sense:
"This Action... and an Order...was heard..." The grammar is not even correct. Lawyers make their money on wording like this. If there is a spelling mistake or poor grammar it is not enforceable.
Secondly, if this is some kind of settlement, there would be some monies involved. There are none. No action is dismissed "without costs". Cost has been incurred, someone has to pay it.
para. 3 is great. ".. any person ordered not do to something shall not do it through someone else.. " etc. Obviously you got some legal help to create this. But that is poor legal language. Obviously it is not from a court house.
And it cannot even be discussed?? since when.. how is that not a restriction of basic rights and freedoms?
It would not surprise me if there is a gag order. Your timing in releasing this is only to take advantage of the opportunity that that presents.
It does make for entertaining reading however!!