I don't know how long you have been following SIRG but clearly much research was missed. There are at least 3 reports that stated that the permits were "good for the life of the mine". The last report was in 2007 making it old but "for the life of the project" should not have made a difference and Rod had no clue that "life" does not mean what it said!
The Emerald Isle mine is presently permitted and with the presentation of updated plans can resume operation. The present status of permits is outlined below:
Aquifer Protection Permit #P-101846 (ADEQ) issued June 4, 1993 for life of the project
Air Quality pending Class II Source (ADEQ) filed Dec.5, 1995, amended December 21, 1995
ADEQ-Mining Plan of Operations MPO 388-K-03 issued Dec., 1988, Life of Mine Revised October 15, 1993
Notice of Restart
ADEQ Air Quality (pending) Dec. 5, 1995 (most probably not required)
ADEQ APP Dec. 22, 1995
BLM Dec. 5, 1995
NPDES Storm water runoff discharge AZR00B094 issued April 4, 1996 (US E.P.A.)
Initial meetings with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Director and the Bureau of Land Management have confirmed that the ADEQ Permit #P-101846 is still valid and active and the Department would only require a Notice of Re-start.
The BLM has requested a similar notice and a reclamation bond in the amount of approximately $350,000 be posted prior to start-up. It is the intent of the company to furnish a modified Operations Plan to the BLM and request confirmation of the bond amount in writing.